Public Commissioning of a Typographical Character

Public Commissioning of a Typographical Character

Sandrine Nugue, Study for Public Commissioning of a Typographical Character, Centre national des arts plastiques, 2014

The Centre national des arts plastiques (the CNAP, or the French National Centre for Visual Arts) offers the option of creating a public commission of an original and unusual typographical character. The objective of this commission is to offer everyone the possibility of having an unusual and copyright-free typographical character. Download at the website comes with teaching tools indispensable to understanding this graphic and editorial work. These documents explain what character design is, what the history of typography is and the customs of these professions unknown to the general public despite the omnipresence of "character fonts" present on every computer. This typographical character and all the preparatory studies and research enrich the CNAP collections.

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Public Commissioning of a Typographical Character


Dernière mise à jour le 2 mars 2021