Suite programme 2022

In partnership with ADAGP
Suite 2022

The 8th edition of Suite programme, initiated by the CNAP, in partnership with the ADAGP, gives continued support to a selection of projects from artists who have benefited from support for artistic project beyond their research phase. In association with locations managed by artists or curators anxious to renew curator practices, the Suite programme therefore enables artists to try out their ideas in the real setting of an exhibition.

Suite Programme: supporting the artists


These exhibition spaces, forming part of a network of cultural outreach over the nation and real artistic staging posts, take account of every form of current writing and creation. In this way they contribute to an inter-disciplinary and de-compartmentalised way of looking at contemporary art, in the fashion of the Suite programme.


Taking account of the experimental nature of the projects it supports, the CNAP initiated this new programme to make possible significant exhibitions of the diversity of the research and creation. Suite tends to develop mutually stimulating views of methods of producing and manufacturing works. It therefore makes it possible to bring to light new innovative projects, and to encourage new artistic and curating practices.


In order to set up these projects, in 2021 the CNAP joined forces with seven places oriented towards emerging art and experimentation: balak in Charleville-Mézières, bermuda in Sergy, HASY in le Pouliguen, le Radar in Bayeux, Ravisius Textor in Nevers, la Tannerie in Bégard, and Callirrhoë with 40mcube in Athens (Greece). It also gives continued support to artists who have benefited from support for artistic research/production.

2022 programme

6 exhibitions and 1 to the international

7 locations

10 supported artists

Hélène Bertin, Éléonore False, Ingrid Luche & Malvina Panagiotidi, « Crossroads » 

Callirrhoë, Athens (Greece) with 40mcube

7 June 2022 - 7 July 2022

Mathis Berchery, « LES YEUX RIVES »

balak, Charleville-Mézières (Grand Est)

Fall 2022

Grégoire Motte, « Witloof au pays de Gex »

bermuda, Sergy (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

Fall 2022

Éric Stephany, « La confiance »

La Tannerie, Bégard (Bretagne)

17 September - 30 October 2022

Marie-Ange Guilleminot, « Touchez-voir »

Ravisius Textor, Nevers (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté)

Fall/Winter 2022-2023

Coline Jourdan, « Soulever la poussière »

HASY, le Pouliguen (Pays de la Loire)

Winter 2022

aalliicceelleessccaannnnee&ssoonniiaaddeerrzzyyppoollsskkii, « Mmmh [Maison-musée michelhouelle-becq] »

Le Radar, Bayeux (Normandie)

Winter 2022

Updated: August 19 2022