Jed Voras Gallery, agence de création et d'innovation

Jed Voras Gallery
To give everyone the power to collaborate creatively.
Jed Voras is a creative and innovative agency for digital creativity. We give services whithin art meets technology. It’s generated by it’s belonging artists, inventors and creative people. Jed Voras is putting into work new technologies, strategic developpers and digital artists in order to develop creatives solutions that goes along the technological evolutions and needs of our societies.

Arts plastiques
Année de création
Actions culturelles et médiation

Exposition, clubbing, concert, conférence, résidence artistique

Réseaux associatifs


ArtMaZone , Saci Soluções em Arte Colaborativa Independente

Jed Voras Gallery, agence de création et d'innovation 18 rue de Patay 75013 Paris 13 France Tél :06 63 21 37 64 direktors@jedvoras.eu
Directrice de création : Aleksandra SMILEK
Updated: October 13 2022